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Monday, 7 December 2020

MadVlad Episode I

MadVlad’s Last Stand?  Or how the mighty fall

We in the West know full well what the mighty Russian Bear is capable of, so if Vlad the Lad’s posturing over the Crimean Peninsular is not to demonstrate his chutzpah, what is it about?

If these Russian speaking Ukrainians don’t like the politics there, he could offer them sanctuary in Russia, he’s certainly not short of space. I’ve no idea how Russia came to have bases on the Crimean Peninsular but quite probably it happened in Soviet times, for the Soviets ruled almost as long as the Tories have ruled the UK.

We all know how Vlad likes to come-on with the macho image, the bareback riding antics stripped to the waist, besides which, he’s not without opponents inside his own domain. We know this because of recent moves to try silencing them, by denying contact channels to the outside world via the internet.

So, could it be the opportunity to adopt scare-mongering tactics with the West diverts attention from his domestic squabbles, and is what attracts him to this situation. Opting to psyche out the world’s press corps with his infamous deadpan technique is one way to avoid the obvious, I guess.

Whilst a few lessons from ‘Trig’ the acknowledged master of deadpan, before he passed away a few weeks ago, might have prepared Vlad for this role, more so than he seemed able to muster on RT today.

So there you have it, for he must know deep down that he’ll get no kudos from trying to hold people who depend on Russia for energy, to ransom. In the end it will get him nowhere, in addition to which, he’s not going to be there forever.

More than likely I’d say, his posturing is for domestic consumption. Russia is a vast country with diverse interests, and you cannot change hearts and minds in this way. You might change a few hearts and maybe a few minds, but never the twain shall meet. You can’t legislate against attitudes of mind, even if you back it up with Gulags.

In some ways Vlad the Lad is harking back to Soviet days, something he well understands from his time with the KGB. Though when it comes to diplomacy, it looks like he’s not taken too many lessons onboard, and there’s still someway to go. So if he wants to go up against Uncle Sam, that’s just what the Yanks have lacked, since the fall of Communism – a Bogeyman.

Iran and Iraq were never in the same league as the Soviets. Though whether Vlad the Lad fits the bill on this one, I guess we’ll have to wait and see. In the end however, as always – it will be the economics as always that does for ‘em in: >

A story without an end?

Sunday, 6 December 2020

The World's Money Bags




The ‘City of London Corporation’ exists within the Square Mile of the Old Roman Walls of London; it is a (Masonic, Private Independent Sovereign State), which directly or indirectly controls all Mayoralties, Councils, Regional Councils, Multi-National and Trans-National Banks Corporations and Judicial Systems through the Old Bailey, the Temple Bar and the Royal Courts of Justice, in the Strand. The IMF, the World Bank and the Vatican Bank, through N.M.Rothschild & Sons (London Italian Subsidiary Torlonia)’

  In addition; it owns the European Central Bank and the United States Federal Reserve Bank, which is privately owned and secretly controlled by, (eight British controlled shareholding banks). The Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland is also British controlled and oversees all of the Reserve Banks around the world including the European Union and United Nations. This all happens as a result of a Gentleman’s Agreement, with the Sovereign.

The supreme ruler; of this ‘City of London Corporation’ is the Lord Mayor, elected annually. He lives in the Mansion House. The full title of the ‘City of London’ governing body is:- the Lord Mayor, 25 Aldermen & 130 Common Councilmen. All of the giant; largely Jewish International Banks and Corporations in the ‘City of London’ controlling  the world’s finances are members of one or the other twelve great Livery Companies domiciled in the Guildhall, (the H.Q. of the ‘City of London Corporation)’

Ultimately all this wealth of the world, held by the ‘Corporation’ belongs to the Sovereign. However, due to the aforementioned (‘Gentlemen’s Agreement’) made several centuries ago, it is controlled independently by the ‘City of London Corporation’. The Lord Mayor should this (Gentlemen’s Agreement) breakdown, would be obliged to hand back control to the Sovereign. Who has the power to rescind the Corporation’s independence. 

© - By kind permission of John Christian 2006 


You could be forgiven for thinking this blog is a 'Load of Cobblers'. But to the best of my knowledge and belief it is absolutely the truth. Insofar as I know no one has ever disputed the original, that I copied this from 14 yrs ago. So until someone and I've no idea who; steps up to the rostrum, to denounce it. I will be prepared to swear it is the truth; the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

My confidence I believe, is well placed. For as the precursor to the crash of 2007/8 that created unimaginable buying opportunities. Which came about as Matt Taibbi of the Rolling Stones Magazine, so admirably explained it. Ended as the Hi Rollers of New York City got up from their Wall Street Casino Tables SKINT. But they were soon exculpated at the Taxpayers Expense, as Government piled in with the funds to bale out the banks.

So the rest as they say, is History. But the nub of the Big Crash; both in the UK's City of London and Wall Street, was instigated here in London by a Wall Street buddy boy sent over here to exploit loopholes. He is now living in exile presumable well cossetted as a reward for his derring-do. Though he probably knew what he was doing and why. So he just got on with doing it and sailed away, Job Done.   

Friday, 4 December 2020

The Fabian Society

A Few Facts you may not be

 aware of - about the Fabian

 Society and its intentions
for our
British Way
of Life

The above named society is a name you maybe familiar with, but know little of the actuality. The purpose of this blog; is to alert all responsible minded people throughout this United Kingdom. To this peril loose in our midst.

The first ever Fabian meeting was held at the home of Mr E.R. Pease, a member of the London Stock Exchange 4th January 1884. It included past and present members of the Socialist Democratic Federation, the Socialist League and others. Its leading members were well known figures of the day . George Bernard Shaw , Sydney Webb, Eleanor Marx (daughter of Karl Marx), her husband Professor Aveling, the Theosophist and Oculist Annie Bernard and the author H.G. Wells.

It was named after the (3rd Century BC) Roman General Quintas Fabius (303-203) He lived for a hundred years and was a Roman Dictator during the years (221-217 BC). With a band of guerrilla fighters and superior cunning, he defended Rome against Hannibal's Carthaginian Army. He made great use of gradualism and terrorism at the time of the 2nd Punic War.

The philosophy of the Fabian Society acknowledges gradualism and the principle tenet of Marxism - the abolition of private property. It is a mixture of Fascism, National Socialism, Marxism and Communism bundled together. Though of course the abolition of private property does not apply to the elite oligarchy at the top. They end-up owning everything.

(Could this simple fact be the reason UK PMs have been faithful adherents?) Over two hundred of our elected  Westminster MPs are committed Fabians, including Gordon Brown & Tony Blair (Chairman of the Fabian Society) prior to election as Leader of the Labour Party. Their very first meetings on elevation to the leadership of the Labour Party as PMs was at meetings of the Fabian Society

In the reign of Henry VIII (1491-1547) & Elizabeth I (1558-1603) as the Church of England, the city of London turned Protestant. Gradually it apostatised and renouncing belief it turned away from the King James Bible and Christianity in general. So by the late 1800s the City of London and the monarchy had become rabidly Socialist of a Fabian persuasion.

The pseudo religion of Fabian Socialism is largely based on the teachings  of Plato; a pagan philosopher and author of a book (The Republic). Published in 400BC. He uses it to dream of a world Republic headed by a Royal Philosoper King - himself. I might add at this point the fact that both Karl Marx and Hitler were also great students of Plato.

End of!

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

The Calculation of Longitude at Sea

The Harrison Chronometer

Amazing how one can go through life in total ignorance of matters right under our nose? Something that occurred to me of late, when I came across the saga surrounding the business of calculating Longitude at Sea and the chronometer invented by John Harrison.

  His original idea was prompted by a competition created by the 1714 Navigation Act which offered £20,000 to the person who could find a simple and practical method for the precise determination of a ship's longitude.The Act was passed by Parliament in July of 1714. But it was to be 10 years or so around 1724/5 when Harrison came to London seeking assistance. He approached Edmond Halley the 2nd Astronomer Royal who felt he knew little of clock making and sent him to George Graham a clock-maker to help develop the appropriate timepiece

  My interest in this subject came about when I picked up on a suggestion from France that the East/West Greenwich Timeline should be moved to run through Paris. I soon realised I needed to look into this suggestion more closely and figure out what the devious ‘Frogs’ were up to, as I researched the reason behind this move.

  I soon figured what it was all about, as I was aware that for decades, both Paris and Frankfurt had frothed at the mouth over the City of London’s dominance of Financial Markets. It occurred to me when I came across a fascinating book ‘This England’ by John Burke with a forward by Sir Arthur Bryant.

 The forward explained London’s significance to international trade by the fact that it sits athwart The European/Atlantic trade-routes with exceptional geographical potential for commercial and strategic opportunity.  Almost entirely due to the fact that Greenwich is the point where East meets West and the 'Burghers' of Paris were attempting to use EU dogma to take advantage of this fact of life for themselves.

  Scurrilous I reckoned and decided they should not be allowed to Slip it past us on the Blindside, when attention is diverted by the on-running saga of Brin - Brout or Brexit. To be finally determined by referendum via the British Parliamentary System. Before the end of 2017 something we are now pretty sure will take place in the summer of 2016.

  The business of moving the East /West timeline to Paris however will not be resolved by Brexit nor will it go away. The French Republic will raise it again and again. In much the same way Argentina uses Falkland Islands Sovereignty as a Political Football to shore-up national pride in the South Atlantic, whenever Nationalist sentiment needs a boost       

  Our Longitude Act  is an Act of Parliament by the United Kingdom passed in July 1714 at the end of the reign of Queen Anne. It established the Board of Longitude and offered  a monetary reward  to anyone who could find a simple and practical methods for the precise determination of a ship's longitude. The Act of 1714 was followed by a series of other Longitude Acts, which revised or replaced the original.

  But it was to be 1765 before the matter of awarding the prize was settled and even then the Board of Longitude was playing jerk-off with John Harrison to make him reveal the secret of his timepiece - so it could be copied universally.  It awarded only half of the prize money with the other half dependent on revealing his methodology. Insofar far as I can determine, his secret rested on modification of the balance movement, calculated to speed up the ticking of the timepiece at the heart of the Harrison chronometer - to a rate that matched the angular rotation of Planet Earth.

  In this way he managed to cross the Atlantic to Barbados to an accuracy hither too unknown which confirmed Harrison’s Chronometer had kept time within the most stringent limits of the 1714 Act. The margin of error being just 39.2 seconds or 9.8 miles (15.8 km) at the latitude of Barbados. 

Researched courtesy of Wikipedia

Watch this space, I'll be Back 
Yours truly,

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Donald Trump Reigns Supreme IMO

Dave Black

20:19 (12 minutes ago)
Dear Ed,
Rarely am I moved to bother responding to Derby's misguided authors; about errors of judgement in published emailings. But the gentleman mercilessly sledging Donald; probably the greatest president since Roosevelt, now making America great again, is begging  to be put right. From day one Donald has set out to restore America as an example to the world. Primarily; by updating his armed services and the economy, to world beating standards. Then using this renewal to create dialogue; where previously, strife existed with former Communist Hegemonies across the globe. Taking on situations to redress imbalances in trade and immigration where previous incumbents feared to tread. Withdrawing US troops to ease tensions where others like Blair and his acolytes exacerbated tensions to have their wars on false premises. By persuading Arabs and Israelis to get on together. Need I say more other than to point out the amazing records on Wall St throughout his tenure in the White House. With the USA  stronger militarily, bigger and better financially than ever before. The US is now in a position to  impose economic sanctions in favour of bombs and missiles. To bring recalcitrant nations to heel and restore economic imbalances in trade. For as former Democratic President Bill Clinton famousiy pointed out: "It's the Economy Stupid," 
Yours truly,
Dave Black

MadVlad Episode VII

Its Economics Wot Calls the Shots Vlad!  
A recent Guardian piece can be seen to be singing from the Dave Black Hymn Sheet, as claims that Vlad the Lad is caught in the crossfire of Economics, as I have frequently pointed out via Twitter. 'It was economics that did for the USSR & will do for Vlad; with his version of expansionism, when the realities of modern day living for the masses, kicks-in.

Died in the wool Communist zeal is exactly what it sez on the tin, but forget the ‘died in the wool’ bit. You can attempt to pull it over your own eyes, in the name of expediency, but in the end you’re fooling no one but yourself. So eventually Vlad; you will see this macho posturing stuff for what it is, as your place in the pecking order of reality will kick-in. It always does mate, in the general scheme of things, reality economics is the final arbiter.

So you can't say you haven't been warned Vlad; though whether you follow me on Twitter or read the blogs at my Google Blogsite I can't  say, but you should! For you of all people must know by now; that a bit of straight John Bull, can go a long way and you know it makes sense you 'Son of a Gun'

Watch this space, I'll be back!


Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Pandemics down the Centuries



So much has been said about what has and is being done to control this dreadful disease. Though it seems to me; we learned little or nothing from previous pandemics down the centuries, and if nothing else.
   Strikes me this one should provide a wake up call for all humanity to pull together in sorting out how this one came about. By creating measures to deal with the next one that comes at us. For surely as night follows day; another pandemic will at some point in the future happen again.

For almost two thousand years and possibly even before we learned how to record such matters of interest. Plagues and pandemics.have killed millions. But with regard to this instant TV analysis in respect of Coronavirus Type Covid 19.. Where reporters bleat we should have done this or that. I refer you to the tweet I used to introduce this piece about the historical record of Worldwide Pandemics. About being alert for the next one. For surely we hope it can be dealt with; quickly and efficiently in the light of this present experience. Though it depends entirely. on the rate at which the spread of such infections can be ascertained and controlled. Being alert to the ways in which they are transmitted and the measures needed to contain it.

See below: for the way previous pandemics have played out to get things in perspective. Though far reaching effects from of this one could be economic. A broken money system for one thing. With all this Funny Money; click of a mouse stuff, swilling around in treasuries across the globe. With no way; to equate it with anything, of value. Other than a Gold/Silver ratio of 15/1 but that was ended in the 1700s. 

Isaac Newton was Master of the Mint and was overruled by Parliament as the Gold/Silver Ratio was changed. It repatriated all Europe's gold the England, as the English traders and merchants used silver to buy it up their gold.  The rest is history; as we are learning today, while the economics of our present day monetary system have yet to be fully recognised by national banks and tackled head-on.    

Previous Plagues and Pandemics

Hiv/Aids pandemic (2005/12) Death Toll 36 million. Cause Hiv/Aids

Flu pandemic (1968) Death Toll  1million. Cause Influenza

Asian flu (1956/58 Death Toll 2 million. Cause Influenza 

Flu pandemic (1918) Death Toll: 20 -50 million Cause: Influenza

Sixth Cholera pandemic (1910/11) Death Toll: 800,000+ Cause: Cholera

Flu pandemic (1889/90) Death Toll: 1 million Cause: Influenza

Third Cholera pandemic (1852/60) Death Toll: 1 million Cause: Cholera

Black Death (1346/53)  Death Toll: 75 – 200 million  Cause: bubonic plague

Plague of Justinian (541/42) Death Toll: 25 million Cause: bubonic plague

Antonine plague (165 ad) Death Toll: 5 million Cause: unknown

Monday, 30 March 2020

Ride the Winds of Change

Pelican Crossings can Kill

 Ride the Winds of Change: at any Pelican crossing. The lights are go, cars free to move. But you see too late, they've not started moving. Happened to me astride my 500cc A7 Beezer. See the graphic shot of such a life threatening moment; courtesy of Derby Telegraph, not a few hundred yards, from my own front door a few days later.



 Problem was; when I tried to do something about it no one wanted to know: 

Firstly: I tried the traffic management  at  my  Local City Council. I suggested some kind of warning sign should  be  posted. Forget  it they said,  with some total inane excuse  which to all intent and purpose amounted to a fob-off.
   Secondly: I canvassed  a  local  MP. Who just happened  to be  the Minster of Transport in Parliament. But he shuffled  it  off  to some jobsworths at  his  Ministry and it  was  soon lost  in another mysterious fob-off.

  Thirdly: I tried the traffic management the County Council who run this annual thing with the roadside posters ~Think Bike ~ plastered everywhere and they didn’t even respond. 
Forthly: Next I tried to interest the reporter responsible for the front page, shown above.  He agreed to make time, but never came back to me.

 So in the hiatus caused by this virus thingy; by way of occupying myself, with things needing time to play catchup, I prepared this blog. I’d been to Freedom of Information to check if similar accidents had occurred in any kind of pattern on Pelican Crossings. But they don’t separate out accidents on Crossings they just get lumped in with general road accident statistics.
  Here: you run into the situation where it costs an arm and a leg, if you wish to pursue the separation of the statistics and there it rests. But being a persistent Barsteward I just keep plugging and anytime soon. Maybe if there is another horrific accident; where a pile of cars finish up in someone’s front room, as a few kids innocently playing snakes and ladders or monopoly are flattened ~ who knows?

Saturday, 28 March 2020

The Dave Black Novels


Growing up on the Chursleigh Estate in the latter days of WWII. Jack Cutler becomes involved with some local bigwigs, Needing access to deliver surplus supplies, to outlying villages. They prevail on him; to make use of his access, to a tractor and trailer.
  They create a consortium to take advantage of the new situation, as the war in Europe comes to an end. They've built up a kitty and use it to buy up the freehold; to a wartime bomber Station built on Chursleigh land holdings during the war. They use this kitty to pay-off the Chursleigh overdraft at the local National Provincial Bank in exchange for the former Bomber Station. When it's repatriated to the Chursleigh Estate, as the war ends.
  The consortium goes from strength to strength; until a final break up occurs, Squadron Leader Guy Shard RAF son of the Manor; comes home from war in the Burmese Jungle. He was thought to be Missing in Action, but managed to survive. Now he's back and sets about sorting out what has gone on in his absence

. He takes over running of the Estate from where he left off. But is soon approached by Sir Godfrey Bright; to be Chief Executive at his Bright Aeroplane Company. He's turned to building civil airliners; as the UK Airlines go head to head with the Yanks, Read on about all that follows; in this postwar saga of who dares wins. In the battle for command of the trans-Atlantic Airways.

*  *  *  *  *

Another Time Another Place

With roots in the Russian revolution; as WWI, draws to its end. Alexander Popov flees the raging mob to escape to the USA and prepare a home for his pregnant wife to join him when the baby is fit to travel.

  In the aftermath of the revolution, as his ancestral estate is taken over and destroyed by the raging communist mob, they lose touch. Changing his name to Alex Popper; he arrives in the USA, to become a Bigtime Boy in the Solomons Brothers Partnership on Wall Street. But is accidentally killed; in a showdown with Ralph Solomons, the senior partner. But he covers it up as a suicide, in the Wall Street Crash of '29.

  Angie Pilkington: Alex's personal assistant; suspects what happened and keeps, a log. Hoping she can find a way to expose Solomons and discover what really what went on. When the son Alex never knew; rises to the higher ranks of the Soviet Hierarchy. He's sent to the United Nations as the Soviet Envoy and goes looking for the father, he never knew.

  In reality though; he's been sent to forage postwar USA for computers and technology for the Soviet war machine. But he'is using his position too; to equip a secret base he's created, in the foothills of the Vladayskaya. He's carrying out research on a system he's developing to program computer remotely. He's out to find a way of destroying Western economies of the the West's Allies and to take control of the Politburo..

  Retired Canadian Agent 'Jig' Prendergast; is coaxed out of retirement by Desmond Chandler; a new Canadian Minister of Telecoms and Comms. He's out to get to the bottom of what's going on. When a second Canadian airliner; on it's way to Moscow, disappears off the radar, over the Arctic wastes of Northern Canada.

*  *  *  *  *

Bigboys Games

Impressed by the way Prentice dealt with the villians who murdered his daughter. Alexander Maxwell, Lord Stigwell of Bashwell Higham hires him to make waves in his centuries old Victorian Merchant Trader. Drastic overhaul is needed; as the new millennium beckons. But Stigwell has bitten off more than he can chew; as Prentice goes off message.

  A big bold future beckons as Prentice ropes in Carson Holdings and Sean Blairgower's Tartan Property Empire; to create Standish Holdings Plc. But it turns out to be a marriage made in haste; that lurches from crisis to crisis, as Simon Horburg scion of a the Horburg Merchant comes looking for a bargain basement takeovers. While Eastend barrow boy Charlie Clikker lurches from emerging bankrupt to golden boy in harness with Jack Greensmith and his brand new Internet eBank.

  Who will come out on top: Prentice with his burgeoning Empire of Derring-do. Charlie Clikker and his Provident Court Trust Fund or Simon Horburg playing games that the others can only aspire to?           

Available now from Gooogle Play in ePub
&  in Print 

Equity Release ~ Money ~ Money ~ Money It's a Rich Man's World

The Real Truth about Equity Release 

 Ever wonder why the re-tweet and response rarely match? Then suddenly realise you've stumbled on the truth, more by accident than design. The Banks and Building Societies have morphed in to Casinos; they're playing fast and loose using everything within their grasp, leading double lives

They've been stopped from using your deposits to create money out of thin air. Messrs Carney/Osbourne saw to that. Stopped 'em dead in their tracks on that one. The funds they lend now have to be raised from commercial sources.

  Though never at odds for long; with the idea of exploiting hidden assets. They had to come up; with something new, to fill this void in their existence. There had to be a way to get the 'Unwashed Masses' on the team sheet.

 They'd tried 'Funny Money'; click of a mouse stuff,  but soon realised it didn't make the kind of returns, they were accustomed too. At least; not on any kind of scale, they'd previously enjoyed. The 'Day of Reckoning'; came around all too soon, with UK Treasury the main beneficiary.

  Though with piles of loot; by way of assumed assets, lying dormant on their books, often for decades. It suddenly occurred there had to be a way to access these undeclared assets.
Several possibilities had cropped up over the last  decade; as they brain stormed the problem, which hadn't really amounted, to anything much. Until 'Bright Spark' decided; to take a peek at undeclared Property Values.

  To discover; a veritable 'Treasure Trove of enhanced value, had lain there undisturbed for several generations. Bingo: the 'Holy Grail' was rediscovered, well almost? The trick would be; how to unlock it, without creating obligations. Obligations all but impossible; for the retired to meet, on any kind of regular monthly basis.

  So a few 'Brain-Stormin' sessions later and 'Easy~Peasy'. They could take a stake in these individual property portfolios/ not by re-mortgaging or raising funds from commercial lenders. But by building a balance sheet based on accumulating assets. Right there under their big fat noses. 

  This was the assumed value; accrued by individual property holdings, for want of a better description. In this way a whole new 'Ballgame' was at their fingertips. "But it could all end in tears," 'Bright Spark' observed. Though he was readily air-brushed aside, for it was all hands to the tiller.

  A few ads on Primetime TV fronted by some well known 'Celebs'; should assuage any silly notions or romantic concerns, from beneficiaries about the final account. The legators would all be dead and buried; they contended. Long before any niggling queries arose of that nature. If they needed to fend off the attention; of the No Win No Fee Briefs. 

 Be good to assess the extent; as to the possible take-up we can expect, added the Chief Exec. He knew one of the most disturbing aspects of this entire imbroglio; would be the moment when beneficiaries realised, the Bankers & Building Societies had first call in respect of existing liabilities

  In addition: annual inspections would be necessary in respect of gas, electrical installation and insurance obligations. When they were taken into account; as the final reckoning at last saw the harsh 'Light of Day' 

  "But of course; it defies all logic, in respect of the age old max. An Englishman's Home is his Castle," observed 'Bright Spark'. "There are also aspects of this real deal; which may or may not be readily apparent, in the present climate where super-hot pricing prevails."

  "In addition;" 'Bright Spark', continued, "aspects of this particular kind of deal; may not at first sight manifest themselves, in any significant way. Unless or until fundamentals of the Housing Market begin to change." i.e. "A severe price reversal occurs. To bring about the situation we know as 'Negative Equity'."

  "There have been instances of this; in the not so distant past, as the walls came tumbling down," he added. "So in the present analysis; when we are dealing with a broken monetary situation, where the bank notes in issue are nothing more than IoUs it is a case of:-"

"Caveat Emptor: as reality dawns and you realise you've been Tangoed - Bigtime."

Watch this space, I'll be back,

Monday, 9 March 2020

MadVlad Episode IX

Time Marches On

In a way I suppose; one day it had to come to this. Though; had Vlad been a little more circumspect, it may not have had to end this way. But if you come on; with the Macho Stuff any whichway, one day you'll have to stand up to be counted, or be thought a fool. There is no third way; as former UK Prime Minister Anthony Blair and his nemesis would have you believe.

  The reality of it is; that one day it's yourself 'agin' the world and 'ya gotta' make a fist of it. Posing half-naked on horseback in the outback; won't suffice when the chips are down and the wheel, is spinning. In addition; you could well be on the wrong side of right, struggling; to make it count. Whatever; the odds are massive, for in backing a bloke like Al Assad. You need to show good reason; any wishy-washy excuse, will not do!

  You can't expect Vlad to turn up trumps; at the drop of a hat, it takes far more than that. It's been coming for a while and he knows it. Hence the moves to safeguard his position and a legacy of sorts, will it work? Doubt it!  The economics are out of kilter. It's how all dictators pseudo or otherwise, 'atishoo atishoo' it's the economics 'wot' does for them. There's no happy ending; winding the clock back, never works in practice!

Watch this space I'll be back

Thursday, 13 February 2020

MadVlad Episode VIII

Vlad’s Last Stand?

Could this be the icing on the cake or metaphorically Vlad's Last Stand. Technically by 2024 his reign will end ~ Job Done? Presently its the last time he can be nominated for the presidency? Though we’re all well aware of previous shenanigans, so is this it? Will he see it out to everlasting glory or follow in the footsteps of all-American Hero George Armstrong Custer?

   Years ago a showbiz agent; who gave me a start, in the game. Explained it to me this way: ‘there comes a time, when we all have to go. You are best placed to do it; when you’re riding the crest of the wave. There’s but a tiny window of opportunity; so if you don’t carpe diem, to soldier on until you’re no good for 'owt much'. You could well get the heave-oh; when you least, expect it.

Tell us you’re gonna stand; hollered the workers at Nizny Novgorod in 2017 and with approval ratings nudging (80%), Vlad - with arms aloft 'succumbed'. Saying; he couldn’t find a better place or better moment; to reveal his hand, for his latest power grab. But that’s history now; dating back to the turn of the century. But with hands aloft; it appeared to me, more like a surrender than an acceptance.

So is this the equivalent; of another Battle of Bull Run, at the Little Bighorn or Vlad’s Last Stand? Monitoring Vlad’s recent career; seems there could be, an over-riding inconsistency here. That originates in attempts to revive the economic fortunes of the former Soviet Empire; with a scope and practice, reminiscent of the infamous KGB.
He must by now have realised; following this final outrageous act of hegemony, that his star is no longer in the ascendancy. He’s doomed to eternal damnation; though it could be said; the blame cannot be entirely laid, at his doorstep. The expansionist ambitions of the EU elite; must take its share of the ‘blame-game’ as they pushed inexorably, towards Russia’s western border.
It’s incredible the leader of Britain’s UK Independence Party; never latched onto this aspect, of EU policy. But then it is in no way in his interest; to draw international attention, to matters of this nature. For disassociation from the EU due to a British withdrawal; sees the end of UKIP's, raison d’etre. If indeed; the party he ‘led', ever had one. Though his prime objective; uniquely revolved, around filling his boots. To clip clop off into the sunset with the bounty. (So; maybe there’s another blog in here, somewhere?)

This apart it could be a tragedy of epic repercussions; for the new Russia, for Vlad too. It could bring about his downfall; before the present 'seven year itch', draws to a conclusion. In the face of the flight from Russia; of 1,5 million educated professionals, seeking prosperity and fulfilment in the West. I’m sure the Russian people per se; will be as appalled that this is happening, as the rest of the civilised world. Make no mistake; it is entirely the result of incompetence on the part of Russian supporting separatists. In this battle for the hearts and minds; of disaffected Soviet sympathisers, in the border regions of the Ukraine. A supposedly independent democratic state.

The abiding question however; is why can’t we in the free world, organise a code of conduct, which enables people of disparate sympathies to live together in harmony. For the greater good, of civilisation at large. Nothing ever comes from force of arms; other than heartache for innocents and in the end, it all gets settled around a tableThe other aspect of these warlike situations that prevail across the world; is the impact of religious practice and the avowed hatred, it spawns. Who is to say what's right and who’s wrong? Inherently reasons for disagreement; manifest themselves in many ways, as the endgame develops and often turn out to be, quite trivial?

Surely it is not beyond the wit of man; to conjure up agreements, that suit all parties if they can only abandon this business of creating mayhem for anyone, who disagrees with their ideas. Compulsion; is the ‘mother of all forces for evil, in the world’. It could be ended at a stroke if the leaders of the entire world; can be made to see common sense. By relegating religion to what and where it should be! A belief; for those who wish to live that way, without any rights to impose it on others. Outlawing the brainwashing of children; from the point of conception and leaving religions, where they belong, in the churches, tabernacles and mosques.

There maybe many things we do not like; about this, but it should in no way mean we have to make individual points, by force of arms. I will write no more on this subject and hopefully; await the day when commonsense can prevail, across the entire Planet Earth. That we learn can learn to live; in peace and harmony, to the common good of all mankind, not forgetting the ladies!

P.S: as a final rejoinder; to all who seek the truth in defiance of blind faith, I append herewith a recent dialogue of reasons why Christianity. May not be everything to all people at the website:

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Saturday, 1 February 2020

MadVlad Episode VI

Capital Flight

Phew: estimates of Capital Flight in the region US$ Zillions, are fleeing from the grasping tentacles of Russia’s Treasury? No wonder Vlad’s had cause to pause and rein in his rhetoric; though it doesn’t seem to have filtered down to his, boots on the ground. Suffice to say he can carry-on telling the world, "nowt to do with me pal."

There can be no doubt that Capital flight legal or illegal; as the case maybe, depending on the circumstances. Contributes massively to economic chaos and although Vlad has stated categorically that he's unconcerned by the prospect. Something must have transpired; to bring about a volte-face, on aspects of the situation he has created in Ukraine.

It is probably true; that liability for many of the problem areas that exist today. Rest at the feet; of whoever created these tit for tat situations we see today in the first place. From 'Big Brother Joe' to Putin dictators and presidents actually transferred whole tracts of virgin territory without due respect; to indigenous rights or the ethnic mixes within, which were inevitably bound to fester, as they stored up problems for the future.

In the endgame it all comes home to roost; either by way of history repeating itself, In anticipation that memories fade or via a new slant on reasons why. To create the conditions which produce a fog of concealment. Whilst the underlying fundamental reasons remain intact and thereby hangs a 'tail'.

Watch this space i'll be back

MadVlad Episode V

Spirit of 2015

Is it a frightened Russian President running for cover, an astute politician playing cat and mouse with a lame duck US president or a chancer on the make? Take your pick but either way, they're both trapped in a political soup of their own making. President Obama is in hock to the ideology of appeasement and indecision. While President Putin is enraptured; by his very own KGB charisma, though in a way they're both trying to wind back the clock. To what in their separate and misguided ways, they regard as better times.

Both have surrendered to expedience in the face of indecision. Mr Putin because his grip on power is tenuous to say the least after rigging the electoral system, whilst President Obama is jealously guarding the legacy of a star on the wane due to diminishing expectations and Is out to salvage what little is left of his tattered reputation.

The pair of them lack real statesmanship, and they do so by avoiding the true purpose of great office and taking the easy option. Though it's hard to see how Mr Putin might survive re-election if Capital Flight wrecks the CIS economic prospects. In the end its economics wot does for 'em, as surely as it did for the USSR.

Overall it's the fact that banking worldwide has been dragged into disrepute in America by the antics of the Wall Street Casino, and in Russia by the antics of the Oligarchs. Transforming the Russian economy by privatisation was never going to be a smooth transition and wresting control of the Banks in the free world is all but impossible without a radical re-vamp of their M.O.

Maybe something to value money against gold was doomed; when they demonetarised silver. So maybe that’s the answer with States and countries turning to debt-free loans. With stricter limits on Fractional Reserve Banking and real time accounting based on real time profit with a fair day's pay for a fair day's output.

Time for the world to recognise you cannot get a pint from a half pint pot and the 5  small fishes and 5 small loaves tale is a myth. The fill yer boots and clip clop off into the sunset mentality has to be ended for all time. It should have ended with the Plunder of the Spanish Main but it appears we learn little from history and continue to make the same old mistakes in the same old way, indeed as Arthur Wellesley pointed out:- They came at us in the same old way and we beat 'em off in the same old way.

Spirit of Waterloo needs to be re-invented in a brand new way. fit for purpose in this so-called Modern Age.of new Beginnings 

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