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Monday, 7 December 2020
MadVlad Episode I
Sunday, 6 December 2020
The World's Money Bags
The ‘City of London Corporation’ exists within the Square Mile of the Old Roman Walls of London; it is a (Masonic, Private Independent Sovereign State), which directly or indirectly controls all Mayoralties, Councils, Regional Councils, Multi-National and Trans-National Banks Corporations and Judicial Systems through the Old Bailey, the Temple Bar and the Royal Courts of Justice, in the Strand. The IMF, the World Bank and the Vatican Bank, through N.M.Rothschild & Sons (London Italian Subsidiary Torlonia)’
addition; it owns the European Central Bank and the United States Federal
Reserve Bank, which is privately owned and secretly controlled by, (eight
British controlled shareholding banks). The Bank for International Settlements
The supreme ruler; of this
‘City of
Ultimately all this wealth of the world, held by the ‘Corporation’ belongs to the Sovereign. However, due to the aforementioned (‘Gentlemen’s Agreement’) made several centuries ago, it is controlled independently by the ‘City of London Corporation’. The Lord Mayor should this (Gentlemen’s Agreement) breakdown, would be obliged to hand back control to the Sovereign. Who has the power to rescind the Corporation’s independence.
© - By kind permission of John Christian 2006
You could be forgiven for thinking this blog is a 'Load of Cobblers'. But to the best of my knowledge and belief it is absolutely the truth. Insofar as I know no one has ever disputed the original, that I copied this from 14 yrs ago. So until someone and I've no idea who; steps up to the rostrum, to denounce it. I will be prepared to swear it is the truth; the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!
My confidence I believe, is well placed. For as the precursor to the crash of 2007/8 that created unimaginable buying opportunities. Which came about as Matt Taibbi of the Rolling Stones Magazine, so admirably explained it. Ended as the Hi Rollers of New York City got up from their Wall Street Casino Tables SKINT. But they were soon exculpated at the Taxpayers Expense, as Government piled in with the funds to bale out the banks.
So the rest as they say, is History. But the nub of the Big Crash; both in the UK's City of London and Wall Street, was instigated here in London by a Wall Street buddy boy sent over here to exploit loopholes. He is now living in exile presumable well cossetted as a reward for his derring-do. Though he probably knew what he was doing and why. So he just got on with doing it and sailed away, Job Done.
Friday, 4 December 2020
The Fabian Society
A Few Facts you may not
aware of
- about the Fabian
Society and its intentionsfor our
above named society is a name you maybe familiar with, but know little of the actuality. The
purpose of this blog; is to alert all responsible minded people throughout this
The first ever Fabian meeting was held at the home of Mr
E.R. Pease, a member of the
It was named after the (3rd Century BC) Roman General
Quintas Fabius (303-203) He lived for a hundred years and was a Roman Dictator
during the years (221-217 BC). With a band of guerrilla fighters and superior
cunning, he defended
The philosophy of the Fabian Society acknowledges gradualism and the principle tenet of Marxism - the abolition of private property. It is a mixture of Fascism, National Socialism, Marxism and Communism bundled together. Though of course the abolition of private property does not apply to the elite oligarchy at the top. They end-up owning everything.
(Could this simple fact be the reason UK PMs have been faithful adherents?) Over two hundred of our elected
In the reign of Henry VIII (1491-1547) & Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
as the Church of England, the city of
The pseudo religion of Fabian Socialism is largely based on
the teachings of Plato; a pagan
philosopher and author of a book (The Republic). Published in 400BC. He uses it
to dream of a world Republic headed by a Royal Philosoper King - himself. I
might add at this point the fact that both Karl Marx and Hitler were also great
students of Plato.
End of!
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
The Calculation of Longitude at Sea
The Harrison Chronometer
Saturday, 12 September 2020
Donald Trump Reigns Supreme IMO
20:19 (12 minutes ago)
| |||
MadVlad Episode VII
Tuesday, 14 April 2020
Pandemics down the Centuries
See below: for the way previous pandemics have played out to get things in perspective. Though far reaching effects from of this one could be economic. A broken money system for one thing. With all this Funny Money; click of a mouse stuff, swilling around in treasuries across the globe. With no way; to equate it with anything, of value. Other than a Gold/Silver ratio of 15/1 but that was ended in the 1700s.
Isaac Newton was Master of the Mint and was overruled by Parliament as the Gold/Silver Ratio was changed. It repatriated all Europe's gold the England, as the English traders and merchants used silver to buy it up their gold. The rest is history; as we are learning today, while the economics of our present day monetary system have yet to be fully recognised by national banks and tackled head-on.
Previous Plagues and Pandemics
Hiv/Aids pandemic (2005/12) Death Toll 36 million. Cause Hiv/Aids
Flu pandemic (1968) Death Toll 1million. Cause Influenza
Asian flu (1956/58 Death Toll 2 million. Cause Influenza
Flu pandemic (1918) Death Toll: 20 -50 million Cause: Influenza
Monday, 30 March 2020
Ride the Winds of Change
Pelican Crossings can Kill
Problem was; when I tried to do something about it no one wanted to know:
Secondly: I canvassed a local MP. Who just happened to be the Minster of Transport in Parliament. But he shuffled it off to some jobsworths at his Ministry and it was soon lost in another mysterious fob-off.
Thirdly: I tried the traffic management the County Council who run this annual thing with the roadside posters ~Think Bike ~ plastered everywhere and they didn’t even respond.
Forthly: Next I tried to interest the reporter responsible for the front page, shown above. He agreed to make time, but never came back to me.
So in the hiatus caused by this virus thingy; by way of occupying myself, with things needing time to play catchup, I prepared this blog. I’d been to Freedom of Information to check if similar accidents had occurred in any kind of pattern on Pelican Crossings. But they don’t separate out accidents on Crossings they just get lumped in with general road accident statistics.
Saturday, 28 March 2020
The Dave Black Novels
The consortium goes from strength to strength; until a final break up occurs, Squadron Leader Guy Shard RAF son of the Manor; comes home from war in the Burmese Jungle. He was thought to be Missing in Action, but managed to survive. Now he's back and sets about sorting out what has gone on in his absence
. He takes over running of the Estate from where he left off. But is soon approached by Sir Godfrey Bright; to be Chief Executive at his Bright Aeroplane Company. He's turned to building civil airliners; as the UK Airlines go head to head with the Yanks, Read on about all that follows; in this postwar saga of who dares wins. In the battle for command of the trans-Atlantic Airways.
* * * * *
Another Time Another Place
In the aftermath of the revolution, as his ancestral estate is taken over and destroyed by the raging communist mob, they lose touch. Changing his name to Alex Popper; he arrives in the USA, to become a Bigtime Boy in the Solomons Brothers Partnership on Wall Street. But is accidentally killed; in a showdown with Ralph Solomons, the senior partner. But he covers it up as a suicide, in the Wall Street Crash of '29.
Angie Pilkington: Alex's personal assistant; suspects what happened and keeps, a log. Hoping she can find a way to expose Solomons and discover what really what went on. When the son Alex never knew; rises to the higher ranks of the Soviet Hierarchy. He's sent to the United Nations as the Soviet Envoy and goes looking for the father, he never knew.
In reality though; he's been sent to forage postwar USA for computers and technology for the Soviet war machine. But he'is using his position too; to equip a secret base he's created, in the foothills of the Vladayskaya. He's carrying out research on a system he's developing to program computer remotely. He's out to find a way of destroying Western economies of the the West's Allies and to take control of the Politburo..
Retired Canadian Agent 'Jig' Prendergast; is coaxed out of retirement by Desmond Chandler; a new Canadian Minister of Telecoms and Comms. He's out to get to the bottom of what's going on. When a second Canadian airliner; on it's way to Moscow, disappears off the radar, over the Arctic wastes of Northern Canada.
* * * * *
Bigboys Games
Available now from Gooogle Play in ePub
& in Print
Equity Release ~ Money ~ Money ~ Money It's a Rich Man's World
The Real Truth about Equity Release
Monday, 9 March 2020
MadVlad Episode IX
Time Marches On
Thursday, 13 February 2020
MadVlad Episode VIII
Vlad’s Last Stand?
Watch this space I'll be back.