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Monday, 7 December 2020

MadVlad Episode I

MadVlad’s Last Stand?  Or how the mighty fall

We in the West know full well what the mighty Russian Bear is capable of, so if Vlad the Lad’s posturing over the Crimean Peninsular is not to demonstrate his chutzpah, what is it about?

If these Russian speaking Ukrainians don’t like the politics there, he could offer them sanctuary in Russia, he’s certainly not short of space. I’ve no idea how Russia came to have bases on the Crimean Peninsular but quite probably it happened in Soviet times, for the Soviets ruled almost as long as the Tories have ruled the UK.

We all know how Vlad likes to come-on with the macho image, the bareback riding antics stripped to the waist, besides which, he’s not without opponents inside his own domain. We know this because of recent moves to try silencing them, by denying contact channels to the outside world via the internet.

So, could it be the opportunity to adopt scare-mongering tactics with the West diverts attention from his domestic squabbles, and is what attracts him to this situation. Opting to psyche out the world’s press corps with his infamous deadpan technique is one way to avoid the obvious, I guess.

Whilst a few lessons from ‘Trig’ the acknowledged master of deadpan, before he passed away a few weeks ago, might have prepared Vlad for this role, more so than he seemed able to muster on RT today.

So there you have it, for he must know deep down that he’ll get no kudos from trying to hold people who depend on Russia for energy, to ransom. In the end it will get him nowhere, in addition to which, he’s not going to be there forever.

More than likely I’d say, his posturing is for domestic consumption. Russia is a vast country with diverse interests, and you cannot change hearts and minds in this way. You might change a few hearts and maybe a few minds, but never the twain shall meet. You can’t legislate against attitudes of mind, even if you back it up with Gulags.

In some ways Vlad the Lad is harking back to Soviet days, something he well understands from his time with the KGB. Though when it comes to diplomacy, it looks like he’s not taken too many lessons onboard, and there’s still someway to go. So if he wants to go up against Uncle Sam, that’s just what the Yanks have lacked, since the fall of Communism – a Bogeyman.

Iran and Iraq were never in the same league as the Soviets. Though whether Vlad the Lad fits the bill on this one, I guess we’ll have to wait and see. In the end however, as always – it will be the economics as always that does for ‘em in: >

A story without an end?

1 comment:

  1. C'me on you Dudes stick yer oar in. It's time this Pressy for Life got his come-uppance
