Its Economics Wot Calls the Shots Vlad!
A recent Guardian piece can be seen to be
singing from the Dave Black Hymn Sheet, as claims that Vlad the Lad is caught
in the crossfire of Economics, as I have frequently pointed out via Twitter.
'It was economics that did for the USSR
& will do for Vlad; with his version of expansionism, when the realities of
modern day living for the masses, kicks-in.
Died in the wool Communist zeal is exactly
what it sez on the tin, but forget the ‘died in the wool’ bit. You can attempt
to pull it over your own eyes, in the name of expediency, but in the end you’re
fooling no one but yourself. So eventually Vlad; you will see this macho
posturing stuff for what it is, as your place in the pecking order of reality
will kick-in. It always does mate, in the general scheme of things, reality economics is the final arbiter.
So you can't say you haven't been warned Vlad; though whether you follow me on Twitter or read the blogs at my Google
Blogsite I can't say, but you should!
For you of all people must know by now; that a bit of straight John Bull, can
go a long way and you know it makes sense you 'Son of a Gun'
Watch this space, I'll be back!
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