Pelican Crossings can Kill
the Winds of Change: at any Pelican crossing. The lights are go, cars free to move.
But you see too late, they've not started moving. Happened to me astride my 500cc
A7 Beezer. See the graphic shot of such a life threatening moment; courtesy of
Derby Telegraph, not a few hundred yards, from my own front door a few days
Problem was; when I tried to do something about it no one wanted to know:
Firstly: I tried the traffic management at my Local City Council. I suggested some kind of warning sign
should be posted. Forget it they said, with some total inane excuse which to all intent and purpose amounted to a fob-off.
Secondly: I canvassed a local MP. Who just happened to be the Minster of Transport in Parliament. But he shuffled it off to some jobsworths at his Ministry and it was soon lost in another mysterious fob-off.
Thirdly: I tried the traffic management the County Council who run this annual thing with the roadside posters ~Think Bike ~ plastered everywhere and they didn’t even respond.
Forthly: Next I tried to interest the reporter responsible for the front page, shown above. He agreed to make time, but never came back to me.
So in the hiatus caused by this virus thingy; by way of occupying myself, with things needing time to play catchup, I prepared this blog. I’d been to Freedom of Information to check if similar accidents had occurred in any kind of pattern on Pelican Crossings. But they don’t separate out accidents on Crossings they just get lumped in with general road accident statistics.
Here: you run into the situation where it costs an
arm and a leg, if you wish to pursue the separation of the statistics and there it rests. But
being a persistent Barsteward I just keep plugging and anytime soon. Maybe if
there is another horrific accident; where a pile of cars finish up in someone’s
front room, as a few kids innocently playing snakes and ladders or monopoly are
flattened ~ who knows?
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