Time Marches On
In a way I suppose; one day it
had to come to this. Though; had Vlad been a little more circumspect,
it may not have had to end this way. But if you come on; with the Macho Stuff any whichway, one day you'll have to stand up to be counted, or be thought a fool.
There is no third way; as former UK Prime Minister Anthony Blair and his nemesis would have you believe.
The reality of it
is; that one day it's yourself 'agin' the world and 'ya gotta' make a fist of it.
Posing half-naked on horseback in the outback; won't suffice when the chips are
down and the wheel, is spinning. In addition; you could well be on the wrong
side of right, struggling; to make it count. Whatever; the odds are massive, for in backing a bloke like Al Assad. You need to show good reason; any wishy-washy
excuse, will not do!
You can't expect Vlad
to turn up trumps; at the drop of a hat, it takes far more than that. It's
been coming for a while and he knows it. Hence the moves to safeguard his
position and a legacy of sorts, will it work? Doubt it! The
economics are out of kilter. It's how all dictators pseudo or otherwise,
'atishoo atishoo' it's the economics 'wot' does for them. There's no happy ending; winding the clock back, never works
in practice!
Watch this space
I'll be back
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