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Thursday, 13 February 2020

MadVlad Episode VIII

Vlad’s Last Stand?

Could this be the icing on the cake or metaphorically Vlad's Last Stand. Technically by 2024 his reign will end ~ Job Done? Presently its the last time he can be nominated for the presidency? Though we’re all well aware of previous shenanigans, so is this it? Will he see it out to everlasting glory or follow in the footsteps of all-American Hero George Armstrong Custer?

   Years ago a showbiz agent; who gave me a start, in the game. Explained it to me this way: ‘there comes a time, when we all have to go. You are best placed to do it; when you’re riding the crest of the wave. There’s but a tiny window of opportunity; so if you don’t carpe diem, to soldier on until you’re no good for 'owt much'. You could well get the heave-oh; when you least, expect it.

Tell us you’re gonna stand; hollered the workers at Nizny Novgorod in 2017 and with approval ratings nudging (80%), Vlad - with arms aloft 'succumbed'. Saying; he couldn’t find a better place or better moment; to reveal his hand, for his latest power grab. But that’s history now; dating back to the turn of the century. But with hands aloft; it appeared to me, more like a surrender than an acceptance.

So is this the equivalent; of another Battle of Bull Run, at the Little Bighorn or Vlad’s Last Stand? Monitoring Vlad’s recent career; seems there could be, an over-riding inconsistency here. That originates in attempts to revive the economic fortunes of the former Soviet Empire; with a scope and practice, reminiscent of the infamous KGB.
He must by now have realised; following this final outrageous act of hegemony, that his star is no longer in the ascendancy. He’s doomed to eternal damnation; though it could be said; the blame cannot be entirely laid, at his doorstep. The expansionist ambitions of the EU elite; must take its share of the ‘blame-game’ as they pushed inexorably, towards Russia’s western border.
It’s incredible the leader of Britain’s UK Independence Party; never latched onto this aspect, of EU policy. But then it is in no way in his interest; to draw international attention, to matters of this nature. For disassociation from the EU due to a British withdrawal; sees the end of UKIP's, raison d’etre. If indeed; the party he ‘led', ever had one. Though his prime objective; uniquely revolved, around filling his boots. To clip clop off into the sunset with the bounty. (So; maybe there’s another blog in here, somewhere?)

This apart it could be a tragedy of epic repercussions; for the new Russia, for Vlad too. It could bring about his downfall; before the present 'seven year itch', draws to a conclusion. In the face of the flight from Russia; of 1,5 million educated professionals, seeking prosperity and fulfilment in the West. I’m sure the Russian people per se; will be as appalled that this is happening, as the rest of the civilised world. Make no mistake; it is entirely the result of incompetence on the part of Russian supporting separatists. In this battle for the hearts and minds; of disaffected Soviet sympathisers, in the border regions of the Ukraine. A supposedly independent democratic state.

The abiding question however; is why can’t we in the free world, organise a code of conduct, which enables people of disparate sympathies to live together in harmony. For the greater good, of civilisation at large. Nothing ever comes from force of arms; other than heartache for innocents and in the end, it all gets settled around a tableThe other aspect of these warlike situations that prevail across the world; is the impact of religious practice and the avowed hatred, it spawns. Who is to say what's right and who’s wrong? Inherently reasons for disagreement; manifest themselves in many ways, as the endgame develops and often turn out to be, quite trivial?

Surely it is not beyond the wit of man; to conjure up agreements, that suit all parties if they can only abandon this business of creating mayhem for anyone, who disagrees with their ideas. Compulsion; is the ‘mother of all forces for evil, in the world’. It could be ended at a stroke if the leaders of the entire world; can be made to see common sense. By relegating religion to what and where it should be! A belief; for those who wish to live that way, without any rights to impose it on others. Outlawing the brainwashing of children; from the point of conception and leaving religions, where they belong, in the churches, tabernacles and mosques.

There maybe many things we do not like; about this, but it should in no way mean we have to make individual points, by force of arms. I will write no more on this subject and hopefully; await the day when commonsense can prevail, across the entire Planet Earth. That we learn can learn to live; in peace and harmony, to the common good of all mankind, not forgetting the ladies!

P.S: as a final rejoinder; to all who seek the truth in defiance of blind faith, I append herewith a recent dialogue of reasons why Christianity. May not be everything to all people at the website:

Watch this space I'll be back.

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