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Tuesday 25 June 2024

Flight Test Sagas 001

Much has been said and written about recent Boeing 737 Max incidents but one simple fact remains for me!

Assigned to de Havilland Hatfield mid-1963 by Rolls Royce. To assist the Trident Flight Test Crew. I was therefore present: when a flight test airaft crashed. Resulting in the deaths of all onboard. The Chief Flight Test Engineer and a Pilot delegated for training on this new aircraft. 

  Designed with three new Rolls Royce Spey Engines fitted to the rear of the fuselage! It soon became apparent the aircraft was subject to superstall. i.e  Total loss of pilot control.When the angle of attack dropped: below a certain angle in its forward motion.

   Where the bottom lip of the engine intake effectively reduced the inflow of air to the engines. causing them to stall: as the aircraft plummeted earthbound in Superstall.

   So measures, we're incorporated to prevent such occurences. Namely a parachute at the tail. Which could be deployed to lift the, aircraft to straight and level flight and a stick shaker/pusher to alert the pilot, to adjust the angle of attack!

    Need I go further: in suggesting; measures such as a stick shaker/pusher incorporated onboard a 737 Max may have alerted the pilot to abort the computer. Take over the flight controls and so avoid superstall and a nosedown incident.

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