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Tuesday, 30 August 2022

How the UK Electorate Lost the Plot

 Opportunity Lost

As Labour Gov't took hold circa early '60s a whole new paradigm exploded across the British Isles and its Commonwealth of Nations. Without rhyme or reason; the electorate fell for Wilson's lies and deceit, as he sought to exchange the whole ethic of Britishness for a Europewide identity, more befitting his Socialist Ideals

 The first thing he needed to do was to free up cash, for his intended 'White Hot Social Revolution' and it really was, in short supply. We had barely recovered from the vast resources swallowed up in the WWII fight to defeat Nazism.

  But they soon earmarked a couple of £zn projects which were swallowing vast amounts of precious luchre and were set to guzzle even more. Precious assets he'd need to divert to his pet hobby horse Social Change. Something they had set out to do post-WWII by nationalising everything they could get their grubby lttle mitts on.

 Two projects were mopping up cash like there was no tomorrow! The British Aircraft Company; formerly Vickers, was flight testing it's lastest ground attack interceptor the Tactical Search and Reconissance Arcraft, TSR 2 and the Anglo French Concorde. A supersonic passenger jet to fly the Atlantic London to New York and back in the space of a workingiday.

  So in his tiny minded view; of a Socialist future for the United Kingdom, one if them had to be scrapped. Main contender was the ill advised attempt; to produce a, sypersonic airliner. But he gibbed at thus for fear if upsetting le General en Francais. So he decided the TSR 2 had to go.

   The Yanks had been canvassing for both to go. Mainly due to the fact TSR 2 the previous day had flown supersonic in straight and level flight on one engine. They had nothing to compare with this, it had put the heeby jeebes up 'em. So they too were canvassing for TSR2 to be cancelled and offered a deal, to further this end.

  We could have a UK version; of their ageing F4 Phantom aircraft, fitted with a Rolls Royce engine to update the ageing US version. Together with their recently announced F111 a strategic new interceptor cum bomber to replace our whizz bang TSR 2. Bearing in mind this would virtually de-fenestrate the UK aircraft industry in favour of buying American secondhand junk.  

  But in mattered not a fig; to his pathetic, tiny minded Socialist way of thinking, as he set about introducing his 'White Hot Socialist Revolution'. If we were to believe the new catch phrase now glibly poised, on every Union Baron's lip!

End of!

What more needs to be said?         


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