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Sunday, 17 April 2016

This should Warm the Cockles of your Heart
in the fight to Rid the World of Terror

Typhoons Arriving   

 A Bullet newsletter special feature No. 001

The 1707 Act of Union

If the 1707 Act of Union is now past its Sell by Date and it’s time to go our separate ways. Then it must be time to do a bit of ’Getting-on’ in our own right. So if it’s ‘About Something’, it must be about an English Parliament, about Freedom, Choice & Opportunity, about Home Rule for England, about Grammar Schools, Global Trade and quitting the European Union before it implodes. We know for a fact it’s mired in corruption, fraud and mis-management and based on concepts like the Common Agricultural Policy that are no longer relevant

In effect it is little more than a feeble attempt to build a Fabian Socialist Utopia. A Federation of Regional Assemblies with all the trappings of a Police State and It almost happened under Gordon Brown’s tenure at No.10.  All it needed was identity cards, a revised Constitution and it would have been Game-over, total surrender to the Commissars.

So what of the future and an English Movement for Democratic Change, like Democracy First, that’s what politics should be about, a party of the people - for the people. A party that can organise people to work willingly in restoring the ideals that have served us well for a thousand years, from the reign of Edward I.

Responsibility of the individual, self discipline and about closing the door (if only temporarily) on migration until we restore a balance, in respect of stability for our Social Services. It’s also obvious to all that our health service requires a root and branch reform, to make it viable for the new millennium.

That which affects all should be approved by all Edward I declared, and maybe elections should be declared null and void unless 51% of the registered electorate turn out to vote in respective wards and constituencies. A matter that would go some way towards meeting majority participation, short of compelling people to vote

There is little doubt that a new political party clean as a whistle, with the benefit of the country at heart, is the only way forward. Especially, if we are to balance the books and create a debt free future, for the country and our grandchildren

Watch this space I'll be back.
